About the Kainga Aroha Team
Our team
Our team is made up of permanent staff, and volunteers who are happy to welcome you, lend a sympathetic ear, and help you in any way we can. We are from many different backgrounds.
OPEN 9 — 5 MONDAY – FRIDAY. Our answerphone will take your call after hours or if both our lines are busy.
About the Kainga Aroha Team

Whānau/Family Support worker. Social worker
Kaumatua, grandfather, husband, father, uncle, brother......Kaitiaki
I am Maori
Descendant of Ngati Rereahu and Ngati Tuwharetoa
Born and raised in Taumarunui before relocating to Wellington in 1978.
Left College in 1981 with University Entrance and Higher School Certificate.
9 years working in various Government Department Head Offices in Wellington.
Left Wellington 1988, as a solo father, raising my daughter for the next 16 years in Waikato.
Achieved Bachelors in Bi-cultural Social Work Practice at Te Wananga O Aotearoa (2008).
Qualified and Registered Social Worker (2010).
12 years Care and Protection Social Worker at Child, Youth and Family.
8 years Manager at Kainga Aroha Community House.
20 years Marae, Education and Maori Land Trusts Trustee experience.
30 years coaching children, teenagers and adults in various sports and activities.
Kaumatua, grandfather, husband, father, uncle, brother......Kaitiaki.
"Unconditional regard towards the safety and wellbeing of others.....especially children"
Family Harm Worker/Supervised Contact Coordinator
Family Violence Intervention and Advocacy
Supervised Contact Coordinator
Volunteer, CommSafe, Violence Free Waipa
(Membership pending) Aotearoa NZ Association of Supervised Contact Services (ANZASCS
I have been at Kainga Aroha Community House since 2007. I am passionate about keeping families safe, I have been working in the Family Harm Sector for over 18 years providing Crisis Intervention support and advocacy, support with Parenting and Protection orders applications.
As the Supervised Contact coordinator, I work a in collaboration with Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Justice, Lawyers and individuals to ensure that a safe and family focused environment is provided during visits.

Bachelor of Counselling
Finance Manager/Administrator
Member NZCCA
I joined the Community House in January 2009, in the last year of completing my Bachelor of Counselling. As well as continuing in Counselling, I also picked up the Finance Manager and Administration role after previously spending over 22 years in these and similar roles.
Some of my life experiences have enabled me to see value in seeking calm/peaceful areas of life as well as asking the question: what/who inspires me to want to make changes towards achieving a sense of positive purpose and direction?
I enjoy spending time with family, reading and photography amongst other interests.
Whanau Resilience Kaimahi
Triple P parenting program accredited
Hi, I’m the Whanau Resilience Kaimahi.
In a nutshell my job is about helping people to prevent domestic violence and to recover from the trauma and impact associated with living this life.
Through my mahi we provide a wrap around service that links people with the tools, services or assistance you need for as long as you need them. This is called Whare Te kotahitanga.
I am passionate about supporting people to live the life they want rather than the one they were dealt.
I believe we need to get more assistance to address the layers of trauma that people face as this is largely the root cause of domestic violence. These start right back with historical and intergenerational trauma, then childhood trauma and are generally followed by ongoing trauma through the teenage and adult years.
I previously worked in advertising and promotions. I have spent the last ten years being a leader at the Kainga Aroha Holiday Camp and prior to this role I was the Te Awamutu Violence Free Coordinator where I was responsible for running awareness campaigns around domestic violence and helping people connect with those who can help.
Mum to two wonderful children – Jess and Floyd, who are currently both at Te Awamutu College and partner to Dave who is better known as “Space Dave”.

Tēna koutou katoa
Tēna koutou katoa
Ko Kaweka te maunga
Ko Mohaka te awa
No Puketitiri, Te Matau a Māui ahau
Ko Pakeha te iwi
Kei Te Awamutu ahau e noho ana
Ko Ange Holt tōku ingoa
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou
Building Financial Capability Mentor
Born in England and after living in various parts of Aotearoa New Zealand we settled in Te Awamutu in 2004. I have a background in hospitality and as a midlife crisis started studying social science. Married to Andy, we have two grown up daughters & assorted fur babies.
I came to the Community House as a volunteer with the Children’s Holiday Program in 2014, and am now a trained Building Financial Capability Mentor.

Quote to live by:
Be Curious – Not Judgmental
TURANGA (foundations)

Financial Mentor
Social Service Support,
Oranga Tamariki
Whanau Support
Operation Christmas Hampers Team member
Graduate Bachelor of Bicultural Social Work
Kainga Aroha Community House
From a brick and block laying background to an Engineers labourer, I joined the community house in 2013 as a volunteer Receptionist /Budgeter. In 2016 I was fortunate to be offered a paid position under the newly named Building Financial Capability Service whilst undertaking study at Te Wananga O Aotearoa in the Bachelorof Bicultural Social Work Programme.
I am passionate about supporting whanau, particularly our most vulnerable. Financial Mentoring has provided me the opportunity to implement my model ‘Turanga’ a model of self-development that represents building a foundation of meaningful relationships, enhancing Mauri Ora (wellbeing) from within.
A heavy hand applies too much pressure, a light hand leaves stones unturned
Family Support
Triple P parenting program accredited
Ko Tainui te Waka
Ko Ngaati Maniapoto te iwi
Ko Ngaati Apakura me Ngaati Hinetuu
nga Hapuu
Tihea Mauri Ora
I am born, raised and live here in this beautiful community of Te Awamutu. I joined the team in 2021 when I obtained my Bicultural bachelor’s degree in social work as the Family support worker. Not only am I the potiki (youngest) of my family; I am the potiki of the KA staff whom brings zest and vitality to the house.
I have an array of attributes that can only come from lived experience that enhances my capabilities to assist whanau. I have a passion for educating whānau collectives. When a collective is making positive changes the ripple effect can take place and we start to impact the worlds of many people.
As a solo mum of two strapping sons, I enjoy family time, cooking, listening to music and a holistic lifestyle.

“Ma te Whiri tahi, Ka Whakatutuki ai nga pumanawa a tangata"
Together weaving the realisation of potential.

See our confidentiality policy
During the Christmas school holidays we organise our annual camp.
This is a programme for children aged 7–14 years. It is primarily for children who would not normally have the chance to experience this type of programme for whatever reason, but all are welcome.

Find our more about our Annual Summer camp
From time to time we need more volunteers to help with different aspects of our work. If you have time and skills to offer, please don’t hesitate to come and talk to us.
Come in a talk to us
Our Sponsors
Our funding comes from:
Donations are tax-deductable
Please Note: Although we are funded by these agencies, we are not employed by them, and we are able to offer an independent, confidential service to our community. We are an incorporated society, with audited annual accounts.
Kainga Aroha provides easy access to information, help, understanding and support.
Give us a call or email us
Our reception is open from 9am - 5pm, Monday – Friday