07 871 6506 | 021 664 886 | MONEYTALKS: 0800 345 123
Budgeting support
A free, confidential service to help you with your household budget
Our trained financial mentors will work with you to teach you how to take effective control of your money and build financial capability. This is a free service. Please note – we are a household budget service only.
How does our budgeting support service work?
You make an appointment to meet with our
Financial Mentor at Kainga Aroha (home visits are available by prior arrangement for those with special needs)
Please bring:
- Proof of income/Printout of benefit break-down
- Any outstanding debts – power/phone/rent/hire purchases/loans etc...
We Do NOT take control of your bank account and “give” you money each week. It is up to you to keep to the plan we work out together.
Your Financial mentors
What can I do myself if I don't want a Financial Mentor?
Use our Building Financial Capability worksheet to work out your own budget.
If you would prefer a budget sheet which allows you to plan your week by week cash flow, contact us and we will post or email to you.
Contact us for a budget sheet
Kainga Aroha provides easy access to information, help, understanding and support.
Give us a call or email us
Our reception is open from 9am - 5pm, Monday – Friday