Making a positive difference
providing co-ordinated social services
Kainga Aroha Community House is here to help you access information
We provide easy access to information, help, understanding and support.

Call in and see us
Our reception is open from
9am - 5pm
Monday – Friday
Our team are made up of permanent staff and volunteers who are happy to lend a sympathetic ear, and help you in any way we can. We are from many different backgrounds.
Any contact you have with us is treated as confidential, except for:
- Professional supervision for quality control, to ensure the best possible service for you.
- Audit by a government funding agency to check the work they pay for is be-ing done.
- If required by a Court of Law.
- If there is a reason to believe you or another person is at serious risk.

Family SupportSupport in parenting, family violence, advocacy, self-confidence, and other ways to develop your strengths. And also for dealing with Government Agencies.

Family ViolenceSupport and information for families and individuals to help keep you safe. Family harm/violence crisis intervention advocacy, including support with protection orders and parenting orders.
Depending on your financial circumstances, our services may be paid for by a government grant.
Email us for more information about payment
Kainga Aroha provides easy access to information, help, understanding and support.
Give us a call or email us
Our reception is open from 9am - 5pm, Monday – Friday